ExceptionController :: showAction


GET Parameters

No GET parameters

POST Parameters

No POST parameters

Request Attributes

Key Value
FlattenException {#1440
  -message: "No route found for "GET /style.php" (from "")"
  -code: 0
  -previous: FlattenException {#1380 …}
  -trace: [
      "namespace" => ""
      "short_class" => ""
      "class" => ""
      "type" => ""
      "function" => ""
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 137
      "args" => []
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener"
      "short_class" => "RouterListener"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "onKernelRequest"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 115
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug"
      "short_class" => "WrappedListener"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\WrappedListener"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "__invoke"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 214
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher"
      "short_class" => "EventDispatcher"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "doDispatch"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 44
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher"
      "short_class" => "EventDispatcher"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "dispatch"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 143
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug"
      "short_class" => "TraceableEventDispatcher"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "dispatch"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 127
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel"
      "short_class" => "HttpKernel"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "handleRaw"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 68
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel"
      "short_class" => "HttpKernel"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\HttpKernel"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "handle"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 200
      "args" => [
      "namespace" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel"
      "short_class" => "Kernel"
      "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Kernel"
      "type" => "->"
      "function" => "handle"
      "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
      "line" => 76
      "args" => [
  -class: "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException"
  -statusCode: 404
  -headers: []
  -file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
  -line: 137
Logger {#866
  #name: "request"
  #handlers: [
    FingersCrossedHandler {#1076
      #handler: GroupHandler {#1075 …}
      #activationStrategy: ErrorLevelActivationStrategy {#1033 …}
      #buffering: true
      #bufferSize: 0
      #buffer: [
          "message" => "SET SESSION time_zone = '+00:00'"
          "context" => []
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#281
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.782059 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 67
            "class" => "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.company_name AS company_name_2, t0.company_kana AS company_kana_3, t0.postal_code AS postal_code_4, t0.addr01 AS addr01_5, t0.addr02 AS addr02_6, t0.phone_number AS phone_number_7, t0.business_hour AS business_hour_8, t0.email01 AS email01_9, t0.email02 AS email02_10, t0.email03 AS email03_11, t0.email04 AS email04_12, t0.shop_name AS shop_name_13, t0.shop_kana AS shop_kana_14, t0.shop_name_eng AS shop_name_eng_15, t0.update_date AS update_date_16, t0.good_traded AS good_traded_17, t0.message AS message_18, t0.delivery_free_amount AS delivery_free_amount_19, t0.delivery_free_quantity AS delivery_free_quantity_20, t0.option_mypage_order_status_display AS option_mypage_order_status_display_21, t0.option_nostock_hidden AS option_nostock_hidden_22, t0.option_favorite_product AS option_favorite_product_23, t0.option_product_delivery_fee AS option_product_delivery_fee_24, t0.option_product_tax_rule AS option_product_tax_rule_25, t0.option_customer_activate AS option_customer_activate_26, t0.option_remember_me AS option_remember_me_27, t0.authentication_key AS authentication_key_28, t0.php_path AS php_path_29, t0.option_point AS option_point_30, t0.basic_point_rate AS basic_point_rate_31, t0.point_conversion_rate AS point_conversion_rate_32, t0.country_id AS country_id_33, t0.pref_id AS pref_id_34, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_base_info t0 WHERE = ? AND t0.discriminator_type IN ('baseinfo')"
          "context" => [
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#263
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.783993 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 67
            "class" => "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "User Deprecated: The "base_template_class" option on Twig\Environment is deprecated since Twig 2.7.0."
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#835
              #message: "User Deprecated: The "base_template_class" option on Twig\Environment is deprecated since Twig 2.7.0."
              #code: 0
              #file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
              #line: 121
              #severity: E_USER_DEPRECATED
              trace: {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if ('\\'.Template::class !== $this->baseTemplateClass && '\Twig_Template' !== $this->baseTemplateClass) {    @trigger_error('The "base_template_class" option on '.__CLASS__.' is deprecated since Twig 2.7.0.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->services['twig'] = $instance = new \Twig\Environment(${($_ = isset($this->services['twig.loader']) ? $this->services['twig.loader'] : $this->getTwig_LoaderService()) && false ?: '_'}, ['debug' => true, 'strict_variables' => true, 'base_template_class' => 'Eccube\\Twig\\Template', 'autoescape' => 'name', 'cache' => ($this->targetDirs[0].'/twig'), 'charset' => 'UTF-8']);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] = new \Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener(${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context'] : $this->getContextService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['twig']) ? $this->services['twig'] : $this->getTwigService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default']) ? $this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] : ($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] = new \SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\DeviceDetector\MobileDetector())) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] : ($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] = new \Eccube\Common\EccubeConfig($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$instance->addListener('kernel.request', [0 => function () {    return ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] : $this->getMobileTemplatePathListenerService()) && false ?: '_'};}, 1 => 'onKernelRequest'], 512);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (\is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && $listener[0] instanceof \Closure) {    $listener[0] = $listener[0]();    $this->listeners[$eventName][$priority][$k] = $listener;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (!isset($this->sorted[$eventName])) {    $this->sortListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     return parent::getListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    foreach ($this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName) as $listener) {        $priority = $this->getListenerPriority($eventName, $listener);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $this->preProcess($eventName);try {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                    $catch: true
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$kernel = new Kernel($env, $debug);$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "php"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1313
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.798227 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 249
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler"
            "function" => "setLoggers"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it number aware is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0."
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#739
              #message: "User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it number aware is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0."
              #code: 0
              #file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
              #line: 66
              #severity: E_USER_DEPRECATED
              trace: {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {    'Creating ' . self::class . ' without making it number aware is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0.',    E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$a->setDefaultRepositoryClassName('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityRepository');$a->setNamingStrategy(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy());$a->setQuoteStrategy(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\DefaultQuoteStrategy());
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {return \EntityManager_9a5be93::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance, \ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {    $wrappedInstance = $this->getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultEntityManagerService(false);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->initializer9a5be93 && ($this->initializer9a5be93->__invoke($valueHolder9a5be93, $this, 'getMetadataFactory', array(), $this->initializer9a5be93) || 1) && $this->valueHolder9a5be93 = $valueHolder9a5be93;}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->initializer9a5be93 && ($this->initializer9a5be93->__invoke($valueHolder9a5be93, $this, 'getMetadataFactory', array(), $this->initializer9a5be93) || 1) && $this->valueHolder9a5be93 = $valueHolder9a5be93;}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › if (! $manager->getMetadataFactory()->isTransient($class)) {    return $manager;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $manager = $registry->getManagerForClass($entityClass);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{\r    parent::__construct($registry, CartUpRecommend::class);\r}\r
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Repository\CartUpRecommendRepository(${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine']) ? $this->services['doctrine'] : $this->getDoctrineService()) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService'] = $instance = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\CartUpRecommendService(${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository'] : $this->getCartUpRecommendRepositoryService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Service\\CartService']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Service\\CartService'] : $this->getCartServiceService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] : ($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\PluginLinkService($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$e->setDisplayOptions(['fileLinkFormat' => $c]);$f = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Twig\Extensions\CartUpRecommendTwigExtension(${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService'] : $this->getCartUpRecommendServiceService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] : ($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\PluginLinkService($this))) && false ?: '_'}, $b);$f->setQuantityDiscountService(NULL);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] = new \Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener(${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context'] : $this->getContextService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['twig']) ? $this->services['twig'] : $this->getTwigService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default']) ? $this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] : ($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] = new \SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\DeviceDetector\MobileDetector())) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] : ($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] = new \Eccube\Common\EccubeConfig($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$instance->addListener('kernel.request', [0 => function () {    return ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] : $this->getMobileTemplatePathListenerService()) && false ?: '_'};}, 1 => 'onKernelRequest'], 512);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (\is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && $listener[0] instanceof \Closure) {    $listener[0] = $listener[0]();    $this->listeners[$eventName][$priority][$k] = $listener;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (!isset($this->sorted[$eventName])) {    $this->sortListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     return parent::getListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    foreach ($this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName) as $listener) {        $priority = $this->getListenerPriority($eventName, $listener);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $this->preProcess($eventName);try {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                    $catch: true
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$kernel = new Kernel($env, $debug);$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "php"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1153
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.798351 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 249
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler"
            "function" => "setLoggers"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "User Deprecated: The type "datetime" was implicitly marked as commented due to the configuration. This is deprecated and will be removed in DoctrineBundle 2.0. Either set the "commented" attribute in the configuration to "false" or mark the type as commented in "Eccube\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeType::requiresSQLCommentHint().""
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#583
              #message: "User Deprecated: The type "datetime" was implicitly marked as commented due to the configuration. This is deprecated and will be removed in DoctrineBundle 2.0. Either set the "commented" attribute in the configuration to "false" or mark the type as commented in "Eccube\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeType::requiresSQLCommentHint().""
              #code: 0
              #file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
              #line: 122
              #severity: E_USER_DEPRECATED
              trace: {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {    ),    E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (! empty($this->typesConfig)) {    $this->markTypesCommented($this->getDatabasePlatform($connection));}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     return $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] = ${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine.dbal.connection_factory']) ? $this->services['doctrine.dbal.connection_factory'] : $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_ConnectionFactoryService()) && false ?: '_'}->createConnection(['driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'url' => $this->getEnv('DATABASE_URL'), 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => NULL, 'user' => 'root', 'password' => NULL, 'driverOptions' => [], 'serverVersion' => $this->getEnv('DATABASE_SERVER_VERSION'), 'defaultTableOptions' => ['collate' => 'utf8_general_ci']], $a, $c, []);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $instance = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create(${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection']) ? $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] : $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()) && false ?: '_'}, $a);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {return \EntityManager_9a5be93::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance, \ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {    $wrappedInstance = $this->getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultEntityManagerService(false);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->initializer9a5be93 && ($this->initializer9a5be93->__invoke($valueHolder9a5be93, $this, 'getMetadataFactory', array(), $this->initializer9a5be93) || 1) && $this->valueHolder9a5be93 = $valueHolder9a5be93;}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->initializer9a5be93 && ($this->initializer9a5be93->__invoke($valueHolder9a5be93, $this, 'getMetadataFactory', array(), $this->initializer9a5be93) || 1) && $this->valueHolder9a5be93 = $valueHolder9a5be93;}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › if (! $manager->getMetadataFactory()->isTransient($class)) {    return $manager;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $manager = $registry->getManagerForClass($entityClass);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{\r    parent::__construct($registry, CartUpRecommend::class);\r}\r
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Repository\CartUpRecommendRepository(${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine']) ? $this->services['doctrine'] : $this->getDoctrineService()) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService'] = $instance = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\CartUpRecommendService(${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository'] : $this->getCartUpRecommendRepositoryService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Service\\CartService']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Service\\CartService'] : $this->getCartServiceService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] : ($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\PluginLinkService($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$e->setDisplayOptions(['fileLinkFormat' => $c]);$f = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Twig\Extensions\CartUpRecommendTwigExtension(${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService'] : $this->getCartUpRecommendServiceService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] : ($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\PluginLinkService($this))) && false ?: '_'}, $b);$f->setQuantityDiscountService(NULL);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] = new \Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener(${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context'] : $this->getContextService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['twig']) ? $this->services['twig'] : $this->getTwigService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default']) ? $this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] : ($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] = new \SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\DeviceDetector\MobileDetector())) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] : ($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] = new \Eccube\Common\EccubeConfig($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$instance->addListener('kernel.request', [0 => function () {    return ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] : $this->getMobileTemplatePathListenerService()) && false ?: '_'};}, 1 => 'onKernelRequest'], 512);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (\is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && $listener[0] instanceof \Closure) {    $listener[0] = $listener[0]();    $this->listeners[$eventName][$priority][$k] = $listener;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (!isset($this->sorted[$eventName])) {    $this->sortListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     return parent::getListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    foreach ($this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName) as $listener) {        $priority = $this->getListenerPriority($eventName, $listener);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $this->preProcess($eventName);try {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                    $catch: true
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$kernel = new Kernel($env, $debug);$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "php"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1138
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.798414 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 249
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler"
            "function" => "setLoggers"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "User Deprecated: The type "datetimetz" was implicitly marked as commented due to the configuration. This is deprecated and will be removed in DoctrineBundle 2.0. Either set the "commented" attribute in the configuration to "false" or mark the type as commented in "Eccube\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeTzType::requiresSQLCommentHint().""
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#558
              #message: "User Deprecated: The type "datetimetz" was implicitly marked as commented due to the configuration. This is deprecated and will be removed in DoctrineBundle 2.0. Either set the "commented" attribute in the configuration to "false" or mark the type as commented in "Eccube\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeTzType::requiresSQLCommentHint().""
              #code: 0
              #file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
              #line: 122
              #severity: E_USER_DEPRECATED
              trace: {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {    ),    E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (! empty($this->typesConfig)) {    $this->markTypesCommented($this->getDatabasePlatform($connection));}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     return $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] = ${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine.dbal.connection_factory']) ? $this->services['doctrine.dbal.connection_factory'] : $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_ConnectionFactoryService()) && false ?: '_'}->createConnection(['driver' => 'pdo_sqlite', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'url' => $this->getEnv('DATABASE_URL'), 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => NULL, 'user' => 'root', 'password' => NULL, 'driverOptions' => [], 'serverVersion' => $this->getEnv('DATABASE_SERVER_VERSION'), 'defaultTableOptions' => ['collate' => 'utf8_general_ci']], $a, $c, []);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $instance = \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager::create(${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection']) ? $this->services['doctrine.dbal.default_connection'] : $this->getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService()) && false ?: '_'}, $a);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {return \EntityManager_9a5be93::staticProxyConstructor(function (&$wrappedInstance, \ProxyManager\Proxy\LazyLoadingInterface $proxy) {    $wrappedInstance = $this->getDoctrine_Orm_DefaultEntityManagerService(false);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->initializer9a5be93 && ($this->initializer9a5be93->__invoke($valueHolder9a5be93, $this, 'getMetadataFactory', array(), $this->initializer9a5be93) || 1) && $this->valueHolder9a5be93 = $valueHolder9a5be93;}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->initializer9a5be93 && ($this->initializer9a5be93->__invoke($valueHolder9a5be93, $this, 'getMetadataFactory', array(), $this->initializer9a5be93) || 1) && $this->valueHolder9a5be93 = $valueHolder9a5be93;}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › if (! $manager->getMetadataFactory()->isTransient($class)) {    return $manager;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $manager = $registry->getManagerForClass($entityClass);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{\r    parent::__construct($registry, CartUpRecommend::class);\r}\r
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Repository\CartUpRecommendRepository(${($_ = isset($this->services['doctrine']) ? $this->services['doctrine'] : $this->getDoctrineService()) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService'] = $instance = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\CartUpRecommendService(${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Repository\\CartUpRecommendRepository'] : $this->getCartUpRecommendRepositoryService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Service\\CartService']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Service\\CartService'] : $this->getCartServiceService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] : ($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\PluginLinkService($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$e->setDisplayOptions(['fileLinkFormat' => $c]);$f = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Twig\Extensions\CartUpRecommendTwigExtension(${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\CartUpRecommendService'] : $this->getCartUpRecommendServiceService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService']) ? $this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] : ($this->services['Plugin\\CartUpRecommend\\Service\\PluginLinkService'] = new \Plugin\CartUpRecommend\Service\PluginLinkService($this))) && false ?: '_'}, $b);$f->setQuantityDiscountService(NULL);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    return $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] = new \Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener(${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Request\\Context'] : $this->getContextService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['twig']) ? $this->services['twig'] : $this->getTwigService()) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default']) ? $this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] : ($this->services['mobile_detect.mobile_detector.default'] = new \SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\DeviceDetector\MobileDetector())) && false ?: '_'}, ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] : ($this->services['Eccube\\Common\\EccubeConfig'] = new \Eccube\Common\EccubeConfig($this))) && false ?: '_'});}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$instance->addListener('kernel.request', [0 => function () {    return ${($_ = isset($this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener']) ? $this->services['Eccube\\EventListener\\MobileTemplatePathListener'] : $this->getMobileTemplatePathListenerService()) && false ?: '_'};}, 1 => 'onKernelRequest'], 512);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (\is_array($listener) && isset($listener[0]) && $listener[0] instanceof \Closure) {    $listener[0] = $listener[0]();    $this->listeners[$eventName][$priority][$k] = $listener;
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if (!isset($this->sorted[$eventName])) {    $this->sortListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     return parent::getListeners($eventName);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {{    foreach ($this->dispatcher->getListeners($eventName) as $listener) {        $priority = $this->getListenerPriority($eventName, $listener);
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $this->preProcess($eventName);try {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                    $catch: true
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$kernel = new Kernel($env, $debug);$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "php"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1275
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.798487 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 249
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler"
            "function" => "setLoggers"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "User Deprecated: Using the "Twig_Loader_Chain" class is deprecated since Twig version 2.7, use "Twig\Loader\ChainLoader" instead."
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#1268
              #message: "User Deprecated: Using the "Twig_Loader_Chain" class is deprecated since Twig version 2.7, use "Twig\Loader\ChainLoader" instead."
              #code: 0
              #file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
              #line: 7
              #severity: E_USER_DEPRECATED
              trace: {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › @trigger_error(sprintf('Using the "Twig_Loader_Chain" class is deprecated since Twig version 2.7, use "Twig\Loader\ChainLoader" instead.'), E_USER_DEPRECATED);}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {} elseif (\function_exists('opcache_is_script_cached') && @opcache_is_script_cached($file)) {    include $file;}
                Symfony\Component\Debug\DebugClassLoader->loadClass() {}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › $loader = new \Twig_Loader_Chain([    new \Twig_Loader_Filesystem($paths),
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › \call_user_func($this->listener, $event, $eventName, $dispatcher);arguments: {
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                    ...: {
                      TraceableEventDispatcher {#1098 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {    }    \call_user_func($listener, $event, $eventName, $this);}
                  arguments: {
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#1098 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if ($listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName)) {    $this->doDispatch($listeners, $eventName, $event);}
                  arguments: {
                    $listeners: [ …23]
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventName, $event);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                    $catch: true
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$kernel = new Kernel($env, $debug);$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "php"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1389
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.800252 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 532
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\Debug\ErrorHandler"
            "function" => "handleError"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "INIT"
          "context" => []
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "front"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#241
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.800640 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 66
            "class" => "Eccube\Log\Logger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1520
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.816584 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\WebProcessor::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1519
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.816754 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\IpAddrListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1518
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.816844 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1517
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.816962 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelRequestEarly"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1516
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.817044 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\SameSiteCookieHotfixListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1515
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.817121 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1514
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.817220 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1513
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.817303 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1512
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.817414 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1511
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.817499 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Transaction is not active. Rollback skipped."
          "context" => []
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "front"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1416
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.821592 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 66
            "class" => "Eccube\Log\Logger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "No route found for "GET /style.php" (from "")"
          "context" => [
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "front"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1415
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.821849 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 66
            "class" => "Eccube\Log\Logger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET /style.php" (from "")" at /home/miyuki-ec/www/ line 137"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => NotFoundHttpException {#1522
              -statusCode: 404
              -headers: []
              #message: "No route found for "GET /style.php" (from "")"
              #code: 0
              #file: "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
              #line: 137
              -previous: ResourceNotFoundException {#1392 …}
              trace: {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  ›     throw new NotFoundHttpException($message, $e);} catch (MethodNotAllowedException $e) {
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {
                  › \call_user_func($this->listener, $event, $eventName, $dispatcher);arguments: {
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                    ...: {
                      TraceableEventDispatcher {#1098 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {    }    \call_user_func($listener, $event, $eventName, $this);}
                  arguments: {
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $dispatcher: TraceableEventDispatcher {#1098 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {if ($listeners = $this->getListeners($eventName)) {    $this->doDispatch($listeners, $eventName, $event);}
                  arguments: {
                    $listeners: [ …23]
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    $this->dispatcher->dispatch($eventName, $event);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$event = new GetResponseEvent($this, $request, $type);$this->dispatcher->dispatch(KernelEvents::REQUEST, $event);arguments: {
                    $eventName: "kernel.request"
                    $event: GetResponseEvent {#858 …}
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->handleRaw($request, $type);} catch (\Exception $e) {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {try {    return $this->getHttpKernel()->handle($request, $type, $catch);} finally {
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
                    $type: 1
                    $catch: true
                /home/miyuki-ec/www/ {$kernel = new Kernel($env, $debug);$response = $kernel->handle($request);$response->send();
                  arguments: {
                    $request: Request {#9 …}
          "level" => 400
          "level_name" => "ERROR"
          "channel" => "request"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1456
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.822008 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 103
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ExceptionListener"
            "function" => "logException"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_0, d0_.page_name AS page_name_1, d0_.url AS url_2, d0_.file_name AS file_name_3, d0_.edit_type AS edit_type_4, AS author_5, d0_.description AS description_6, d0_.keyword AS keyword_7, d0_.create_date AS create_date_8, d0_.update_date AS update_date_9, d0_.meta_robots AS meta_robots_10, d0_.meta_tags AS meta_tags_11, d1_.page_id AS page_id_12, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_13, d1_.sort_no AS sort_no_14, AS id_15, d2_.layout_name AS layout_name_16, d2_.create_date AS create_date_17, d2_.update_date AS update_date_18, d0_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_19, d0_.master_page_id AS master_page_id_20, d1_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_21, d1_.page_id AS page_id_22, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_23, d2_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_24, d2_.device_type_id AS device_type_id_25 FROM dtb_page d0_ LEFT JOIN dtb_page_layout d1_ ON = d1_.page_id AND d1_.discriminator_type IN ('pagelayout') LEFT JOIN dtb_layout d2_ ON d1_.layout_id = AND d2_.discriminator_type IN ('layout') WHERE (d0_.url = ?) AND d0_.discriminator_type IN ('page')"
          "context" => [
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1577
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.826976 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 67
            "class" => "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "fallback to PC layout"
          "context" => []
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "front"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1558
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.828343 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 66
            "class" => "Eccube\Log\Logger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1585
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.828736 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\WebProcessor::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1586
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.828834 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\IpAddrListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1587
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.828918 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1588
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.828998 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelRequestEarly"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1589
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829077 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
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            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\SameSiteCookieHotfixListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1590
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829158 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1591
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829270 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
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            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1592
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829354 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1593
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829435 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1594
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829538 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1595
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829629 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1596
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829728 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1597
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829813 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1598
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829895 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
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            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1599
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.829982 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1600
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.830064 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1601
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.830146 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1602
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.830244 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1604
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          "level" => 100
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1605
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1606
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1644
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832252 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1649
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832347 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832482 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1651
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832558 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1652
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832624 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1653
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832688 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1654
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832753 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1655
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.832839 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
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          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1689
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.833764 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
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            "user_id" => "N/A"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
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          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857404 {#1690
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:24.833854 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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          "message" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.enabled AS enabled_4, t0.version AS version_5, t0.source AS source_6, t0.initialized AS initialized_7, t0.create_date AS create_date_8, t0.update_date AS update_date_9, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_plugin t0 WHERE t0.discriminator_type IN ('plugin')"
          "context" => []
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2707
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.087602 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 67
            "class" => "Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Logger\DbalLogger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\EventListener\RequestResponseListener::handleResponse"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2825
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.094225 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelResponse"
          "level" => 100
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          "channel" => "event"
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            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.095984 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2854
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.096090 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2855
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.096158 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2856
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2857
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.096311 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "level" => 100
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2858
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.096404 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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            "event" => "kernel.exception"
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          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2859
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.096475 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "uid" => "c3af86a"
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            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Listener "{listener}" stopped propagation of the event "{event}"."
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
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          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2860
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.096532 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "user_id" => "N/A"
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          "message" => "LOGIC END"
          "context" => [
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "front"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#2879
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.097052 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 66
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            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.enabled AS enabled_4, t0.version AS version_5, t0.source AS source_6, t0.initialized AS initialized_7, t0.create_date AS create_date_8, t0.update_date AS update_date_9, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_plugin t0 WHERE t0.discriminator_type IN ('plugin')"
          "context" => []
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3199
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.108110 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 67
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            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "level" => 100
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3251
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.117769 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3252
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.117865 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3253
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.117937 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3254
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3256
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.118151 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3260
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3261
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3262
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3263
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.118676 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3282
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.118946 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3283
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.119025 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3284
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
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          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3285
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.119148 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
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          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "context" => [
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            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "event"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3286
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.119221 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
            "referrer" => ""
            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 288
            "class" => "Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Debug\TraceableEventDispatcher"
            "function" => "postProcess"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "PROCESS END"
          "context" => [
          "level" => 200
          "level_name" => "INFO"
          "channel" => "app"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3292
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.219195 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
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            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 68
            "class" => "Eccube\Log\Logger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
          "message" => "Transaction is not active. Rollback skipped."
          "context" => []
          "level" => 100
          "level_name" => "DEBUG"
          "channel" => "app"
          "datetime" => DateTime @1736857405 {#3294
            date: 2025-01-14 21:23:25.219390 Asia/Tokyo (+09:00)
          "extra" => [
            "url" => "/style.php"
            "ip" => ""
            "http_method" => "GET"
            "server" => ""
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            "user_agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
            "file" => "/home/miyuki-ec/www/"
            "line" => 68
            "class" => "Eccube\Log\Logger"
            "function" => "log"
            "uid" => "c3af86a"
            "user_id" => "N/A"
            "session_id" => "N/A"
      #stopBuffering: true
      #passthruLevel: 200
      #level: 100
      #bubble: true
      #formatter: null
      #processors: []
    ConsoleHandler {#865
      -output: null
      -verbosityLevelMap: [
        16 => 400
        32 => 300
        64 => 250
        128 => 200
        256 => 100
      #level: 100
      #bubble: true
      #formatter: null
      #processors: []
  #processors: [
    DebugProcessor {#1077
      -records: [
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "SET SESSION time_zone = '+00:00'"
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_1, t0.company_name AS company_name_2, t0.company_kana AS company_kana_3, t0.postal_code AS postal_code_4, t0.addr01 AS addr01_5, t0.addr02 AS addr02_6, t0.phone_number AS phone_number_7, t0.business_hour AS business_hour_8, t0.email01 AS email01_9, t0.email02 AS email02_10, t0.email03 AS email03_11, t0.email04 AS email04_12, t0.shop_name AS shop_name_13, t0.shop_kana AS shop_kana_14, t0.shop_name_eng AS shop_name_eng_15, t0.update_date AS update_date_16, t0.good_traded AS good_traded_17, t0.message AS message_18, t0.delivery_free_amount AS delivery_free_amount_19, t0.delivery_free_quantity AS delivery_free_quantity_20, t0.option_mypage_order_status_display AS option_mypage_order_status_display_21, t0.option_nostock_hidden AS option_nostock_hidden_22, t0.option_favorite_product AS option_favorite_product_23, t0.option_product_delivery_fee AS option_product_delivery_fee_24, t0.option_product_tax_rule AS option_product_tax_rule_25, t0.option_customer_activate AS option_customer_activate_26, t0.option_remember_me AS option_remember_me_27, t0.authentication_key AS authentication_key_28, t0.php_path AS php_path_29, t0.option_point AS option_point_30, t0.basic_point_rate AS basic_point_rate_31, t0.point_conversion_rate AS point_conversion_rate_32, t0.country_id AS country_id_33, t0.pref_id AS pref_id_34, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_base_info t0 WHERE = ? AND t0.discriminator_type IN ('baseinfo')"
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "User Deprecated: The "base_template_class" option on Twig\Environment is deprecated since Twig 2.7.0."
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#835}
          "channel" => "php"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without making it number aware is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0."
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#739}
          "channel" => "php"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "User Deprecated: The type "datetime" was implicitly marked as commented due to the configuration. This is deprecated and will be removed in DoctrineBundle 2.0. Either set the "commented" attribute in the configuration to "false" or mark the type as commented in "Eccube\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeType::requiresSQLCommentHint().""
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#583}
          "channel" => "php"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "User Deprecated: The type "datetimetz" was implicitly marked as commented due to the configuration. This is deprecated and will be removed in DoctrineBundle 2.0. Either set the "commented" attribute in the configuration to "false" or mark the type as commented in "Eccube\Doctrine\DBAL\Types\UTCDateTimeTzType::requiresSQLCommentHint().""
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#558}
          "channel" => "php"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "User Deprecated: Using the "Twig_Loader_Chain" class is deprecated since Twig version 2.7, use "Twig\Loader\ChainLoader" instead."
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => ErrorException {#1268}
          "channel" => "php"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "INIT"
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "front"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\WebProcessor::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\IpAddrListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelRequestEarly"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\SameSiteCookieHotfixListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Transaction is not active. Rollback skipped."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "front"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "No route found for "GET /style.php" (from "")"
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
          "channel" => "front"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException: "No route found for "GET /style.php" (from "")" at /home/miyuki-ec/www/ line 137"
          "priority" => 400
          "priorityName" => "ERROR"
          "context" => [
            "exception" => NotFoundHttpException {#1522}
          "channel" => "request"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_0, d0_.page_name AS page_name_1, d0_.url AS url_2, d0_.file_name AS file_name_3, d0_.edit_type AS edit_type_4, AS author_5, d0_.description AS description_6, d0_.keyword AS keyword_7, d0_.create_date AS create_date_8, d0_.update_date AS update_date_9, d0_.meta_robots AS meta_robots_10, d0_.meta_tags AS meta_tags_11, d1_.page_id AS page_id_12, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_13, d1_.sort_no AS sort_no_14, AS id_15, d2_.layout_name AS layout_name_16, d2_.create_date AS create_date_17, d2_.update_date AS update_date_18, d0_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_19, d0_.master_page_id AS master_page_id_20, d1_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_21, d1_.page_id AS page_id_22, d1_.layout_id AS layout_id_23, d2_.discriminator_type AS discriminator_type_24, d2_.device_type_id AS device_type_id_25 FROM dtb_page d0_ LEFT JOIN dtb_page_layout d1_ ON = d1_.page_id AND d1_.discriminator_type IN ('pagelayout') LEFT JOIN dtb_layout d2_ ON d1_.layout_id = AND d2_.discriminator_type IN ('layout') WHERE (d0_.url = ?) AND d0_.discriminator_type IN ('page')"
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "fallback to PC layout"
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "front"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\DebugHandlersListener::configure"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bridge\Monolog\Processor\WebProcessor::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\IpAddrListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\MobileTemplatePathListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelRequestEarly"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\SameSiteCookieHotfixListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ValidateRequestListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\EventListener\ResolveControllerNameSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\TwigInitializeListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\EventListener\RequestResponseListener::handleRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Knp\Bundle\PaginatorBundle\Subscriber\SlidingPaginationSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\TransactionListener::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Plugin\CustomerClassOnlyPage4\EventSubscriber\Admin\DeletePageSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Plugin\CustomerClassOnlyPage4\EventSubscriber\Front\ProductDetailSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Plugin\CustomerClassOnlyPage4\EventSubscriber\Front\ProductListSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.request"
            "listener" => "Plugin\CustomerClassOnlyPage4\EventSubscriber\Front\UserDataSubscriber::onKernelRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RouterDataCollector::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\ForwardOnlyListener::onController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ControllerListener::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\ParamConverterListener::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\TemplateListener::onKernelController"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller_arguments"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\SecurityListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857404
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.controller_arguments"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\IsGrantedListener::onKernelControllerArguments"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.enabled AS enabled_4, t0.version AS version_5, t0.source AS source_6, t0.initialized AS initialized_7, t0.create_date AS create_date_8, t0.update_date AS update_date_9, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_plugin t0 WHERE t0.discriminator_type IN ('plugin')"
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\EventListener\RequestResponseListener::handleResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Plugin\GoToCartB\GoToCartBEvent::goToCart"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SurrogateListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SaveSessionListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
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          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
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          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
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          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\TransactionListener::onKernelException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\EventListener\EmailSenderListener::onException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ExceptionListener::onKernelException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Listener "{listener}" stopped propagation of the event "{event}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.exception"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ExceptionListener::onKernelException"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "LOGIC END"
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
          "channel" => "front"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "SELECT AS id_1, AS name_2, t0.code AS code_3, t0.enabled AS enabled_4, t0.version AS version_5, t0.source AS source_6, t0.initialized AS initialized_7, t0.create_date AS create_date_8, t0.update_date AS update_date_9, t0.discriminator_type FROM dtb_plugin t0 WHERE t0.discriminator_type IN ('plugin')"
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "doctrine"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "SunCat\MobileDetectBundle\EventListener\RequestResponseListener::handleResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Eccube\EventListener\LogListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Plugin\GoToCartB\GoToCartBEvent::goToCart"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SurrogateListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\DataCollector\RequestDataCollector::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\ResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\EventListener\HttpCacheListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\ProfilerListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\EventListener\WebDebugToolbarListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SaveSessionListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.response"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\StreamedResponseListener::onKernelResponse"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\LocaleListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\SessionListener::onFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\TranslatorListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\RouterListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Notified event "{event}" to listener "{listener}"."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => [
            "event" => "kernel.finish_request"
            "listener" => "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Debug\TraceableFirewallListener::onKernelFinishRequest"
          "channel" => "event"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "PROCESS END"
          "priority" => 200
          "priorityName" => "INFO"
          "context" => [
          "channel" => "app"
          "timestamp" => 1736857405
          "message" => "Transaction is not active. Rollback skipped."
          "priority" => 100
          "priorityName" => "DEBUG"
          "context" => []
          "channel" => "app"
      -errorCount: 1
    WebProcessor {#1078
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        "REMOTE_HOST" => ""
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        "CONTEXT_PREFIX" => ""
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        "SERVER_ADMIN" => "[no address given]"
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    IntrospectionProcessor {#1079
      -level: "!php/const:Monolog\Logger::DEBUG"
      -skipClassesPartials: [
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      -skipFunctions: [
    UidProcessor {#1080
      -uid: "c3af86a"
    TokenProcessor {#1082
      #tokenStorage: TokenStorage {#1081 …}
    SessionProcessor {#1093
      #session: Session {#1092 …}
  #microsecondTimestamps: true
  #exceptionHandler: null

Request Headers

Header Value
"gzip, deflate"
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"

Request Content

Request content not available (it was retrieved as a resource).

Server Parameters

Key Value
"gzip, deflate"
"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.3112.107 Mobile Safari/537.36"
"[no address given]"


Response Headers

Header Value
"no-cache, private"
"Tue, 14 Jan 2025 12:23:25 GMT"


Request Cookies

No request cookies

Response Cookies

No response cookies


Session Metadata

No session metadata

Session Attributes

No session attributes



No flash messages were created.

Parent Request

Return to parent request (token = 6107f3)

Key Value
(no data)